Design Matters

Thoughts of an Architect

A Message from The Firm

Our blog, Design Matters, is a place for our team to share our knowledge, community events, projects, resources, and opinions. It is a place for you to keep up with us and for us to hear from you. Thanks for reading!

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Seal Your Electrical Outlets to Improve Your Home Comfort

Seal Your Electrical Outlets to Improve Your Home Comfort

In every house I visit to do an energy audit, the electrical outlets have been a major source of air infiltration. ...
Green Design vs Design – What Do You Want?

Green Design vs Design – What Do You Want?

We have built a solid reputation for delivering "green" architectural design for our clients. We were even named ...

Harrisonburg Sustainable Farmhouse Project Update

Another new project is under construction and enjoying this mild winter weather. The Harrisonburg sustainable ...

Please take a moment to share your opinion about our firm

Please take a moment to share your opinion about our firm   As you know, it is a difficult decision to hire a ...

Does Hiring an Architect Save Money?

"Hiring an architect should save you time and money, minimize bumps, streamline the building process, and provide ...

Where is the fire in the belly attitude that this country is built on?

Where is the fire in the belly attitude that this country is built on? As I watched the middle school girls ...

Citizen Architect – How Meg is giving back

Citizen Architect - How Meg is giving back A guest post by Meg Carpenter from our Charlottesville office: I am ...
Green Term Defined: Natural Ventilation

Green Term Defined: Natural Ventilation

Natural Ventilation is the process of supplying and removing air by natural means from building spaces by using ...

Overcoming Fear: Can One Person Make a Difference?

Can one person make a difference? In all honesty, I am not sure anymore. The world seems to be a crazy mixed up ...
Green Term Defined: ASHRAE 90.1

Green Term Defined: ASHRAE 90.1

ASHRAE 90.1 is a standard in the US that provides minimum requirements for energy-efficient designs for buildings ...