Green Term Defined: Single-stream recycling

Green Term Defined: Single-stream recycling

Single-stream recycling is a process or system where all paper, plastics, metals, cardboard, glass, and trash goes into the same can and is sorted by the facility into separate commodities. In other words, it takes all the reasons for not recycling everything that is recyclable out of the equation.

Harrisonburg single stream recyclingsingle stream recycling plastics

Single-stream puts all the work for the recycling process to the facility operator and not the household. This raises the recycling rate per household. The systems were first used in the 1990s in California and now have facilities across the country.

single stream

Material recovery facilities (MRFs) continue to evolve and get better efficiency as technology improves. They are not completely automated, but it is getting closer.

DSC00235single stream recycling

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