R.S. Monger & Sons goes PINK for breast cancer

There are many people and companies in Harrisonburg and the extended valley that care deeply about community. One of them, R.S. Monger & Sons goes PINK for breast cancer, is just one example.

Monger Lumber goes PINK

As a small business owner I know first hand how many requests you can get on a weekly basis to donate money, product, and / or time. It can be overwhelming how much need there is in our community. Great causes and organizations exist on every block. That makes it especially important to have business owners that care about more than just the bottom line. We are fortunate to have companies that exist in our community doing good, with no fanfare or expectation. They do it because it is the right thing to do.

real men wear pink

R.S. Monger and Sons is one of those organizations. While they are known for their customer service, quality products, knowledgeable employees, and tight delivery schedule, their greatest asset may be their community building. I know first hand that they care deeply for our community. Jim and John Monger are the reason that the Chesapeake Western Depot was saved and renovated. They wanted to bring this beautiful building that has a deep history in Harrisonburg back to life. It houses their businesses on the lower level, but this building is not just another downtown structure. This building is part of the fabric that holds Harrisonburg to its core roots. Saving a historic structure like this ties today to the past and builds character for a place. It was a labor of love for Jim and John to save this building and just one example of how they give back to our community.

Chesapeake Western Depot

If you have ever visited Monger Lumber you know there are lots of great people employed at this business. Having an office just up the street from their home for the past 90 years I have gotten to know a few of them. So as a fundraiser for the Real Men Wear Pink campaign I decided to take a chance that they would want to support my campaign. I suggested that they go PINK for a day – if you know the guys that work there you know this was a big ask for some of them. The company purchased PINK Gaines Group shirts for all their employees and one person even wore my PINK tutu for the day to get an extra donation. I have not seen a photo of him wearing it – I wonder if there is any evidence?

real men wear pink

This business and this family is one of the backbones of our community. Having a construction supply company in the fourth generation of leadership from the same family in town is huge for all of us. This alone builds community.

real men wear pink


If you want to join Monger Lumber with a donation it is not too late.


R.S. Monger & Sons Inc. has been a family-owned company since 1922. Currently in its fourth generation of ownership, R.S. Monger is a full-service lumberyard and building supplies store serving the Shenandoah Valley. Located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, R.S. Monger offers a variety of building materials including lumber, windows doors, brick, stone, moulding and hardware.

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