First Friday Art Opening – This Friday w/ Aaron Zook

First Friday Art Opening – This Friday w/ Aaron Zook

Aaron Zook is a Harrisonburg native and self-taught photographer presenting his work for April’s First Friday Art Opening.


Gaines Group Architects features an artist each month at the Depot in Harrisonburg for the First Friday Art Opening. This is our chance to support the local art community and Arts Council of the Valley by allowing them a no cost place to show their work and for you to spend money showing them your love of their work. Come to see, buy, talk, and enjoy some of our food and drink while you are here. The Chesapeake Western Depot at 141 W. Bruce St. on the second floor has a history display of the CW line that is deep with stories – just ask Charles. Artwork is displayed in the gallery (hallway back to Herr and Co.). Food and drink are available along with lots of conversation and networking in the Gaines Group offices.

What Aaron Zook does:

He draws inspiration from the hard-working people that make everyday life happen behind the scenes. He is a bartender, mountain guide, and perpetually sleep deprived.

aaron zook First Friday Art Opening.

“Here’s the thing. It doesn’t get any easier out there darlin, I’d be lying if I said it did. But give in to the depravity of the soul for just one moment, and you’ll discover that there isn’t much difference in all of us. We all have that moment where we sit and breathe. We shake our heads and slap ourselves around. Then we walk out into that big bright world. Don’t forget your shades.”

About the show:

This project was hard for me to put my finger on at first. It was born out of frustration really.  When I was a kid, I could never quite decide what I wanted to be when I “grew up.” In my more recent life, I’ve listened to my fair share of “when are you going to get a real job..?” and “are you ever planning on using your degree?” Finally, an older gentleman went so far as to ask me what it was exactly that my peers and I did with their time. When I stopped to think about it, my answer was…everything. People like me do literally everything. So, this show is for the people that aren’t where they want to be yet, but where they need to be for now. It’s for the late nights of wondering where we’re headed. For the moments of pure joy when we figure out where we’re supposed to be. For the passion projects and side hustles. For the empty shows, struggling to make progress, and wondering when it will all finally click.

Look me in the eye.

It will.

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