Construct 2011 is next week, will you be there?

Sep 6, 2011

It has been too long since the last Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) national conference. I am looking forward to getting together with many of my friends from across the country to catch up on how they are doing and to learn the latest trends in the industry. Construct is the annual conference, this year held in Chicago. I attend every year and always learn so much and meet so many great resources that help my better serve my clients. Let me know if you are going to be there and if you cannot attend in person, join us through Twitter!

CSI on Twitter – Follow CONSTRUCT2011 Speakers on Twitter
Opening General Session Speaker Cameron Sinclair ( will speak on “Design for All: Implementing Cultural Acupuncture and Community Led Development.” Follow him now and be ready for his presentation. Below are other people who will be speaking at CONSTRUCT2011 Start following them now, and remember to include #CONSTRUCT in your tweets about CONSTRUCT2011.
  • — Brok Howard, CSI, CDT: (TH09) BIM Bingo – Learn and Win; and (TH20) Wisemen Tales: What I Wish I Knew in My First Five Years
  • — Sheldon Wolfe, FCSI, CCS, CCCA: (FR07) The Evolution and Demise of Construction Documents
  • — Charles Hendricks, CSI, CDT: (WE02) Eliminating Fear, Terror, and Boredom – Networking for Construction Professionals; (TH05) Industrial Green – LEED Certified; and (THo8) Expanding Your Reach with Social Media for A/E/C
  • — David Stutzman, CSI, CCS: (TH18) Storefronts, Windows, Window Walls, Curtain Walls – What’s the Difference?; and (TU13) Desktop Digital Toolbox: Useful Practical Tips & Tricks (with — Randal Reifsnider, CSI, CCS)
  • — Justin Cole, CSI, CDT: Leveraging Resumes, Portfolios, and Social Media in Today’s Job Market
  • — Bob Weygant, CSI, CDT: What is the Future of Specifications?
  • — Joy Davis, CSI, CCPR: (THo8) Expanding Your Reach with Social Media for A/E/C; and the Social Media Field Trip (



Participate in CONSTRUCT2011 Tweetchats No Matter Where You Are
Tweetchat are planned to accompany at least two sessions at CONSTRUCT2011. You can participate in the chats whether or not you’re attending the session – just follow the conversation on Twitter using the discussion’s hashtag:
  • #SMFolio — Leveraging Resumes, Portfolios, and Social Media in Today’s Job Market (WE11, 4-5:30pm CT, Wednesday, Sept. 14)
  • #SMArchitect — Expanding Your Reach with Social Media for A/E/C (TH08, 10-11:30am CT, Thursday, Sept. 15)

Never used a hashtag? Go to and enter the hashtag. You’ll see the conversation, and if you have a Twitter handle, you can log in and participate. You can test the system right now using CONSTRUCT’s hashtag, #CONSTRUCT. People are already talking about the show!

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