A 10 Year Old With A Vision For The Upcoming Year

I have been thinking a lot about the coming year, this one seems different than in the past. The world is different, my life is different, our business is different.

My wife challenged me to come up with a word, one word instead of a resolution. The idea of one word is to focus your life instead of something like “get in shape” you might have a word like healthy. This idea of living purposefully all year-long around a word allows you to make decisions, focus prayer, and inspire others through action. So what should my one word be for the year? I am open to ideas. Let me know what you think.


The word that has come to mind for me is #tribe. What does that mean to me right now. It means community, family, working together, Rotary, Gaines Group, and friends. These are all areas where I need to focus and areas where I need to do work. I want to build better and deeper relationships. I want to strengthen my relationship with family, immediate, and those I have lost contact with over the years. I want to work towards a healthier and more sustainable community. I want to serve better as a Rotarian. I want to know better my Rotarian family. I want to be a better architect, boss, friends at work. However, is this my #oneword365? Does it hold enough meaning? Does it frame my work over an entire year? Should there be more than just a word? Maybe one word painted on a train, this one seems to tell a story pretty well.


My youngest daughter, 10-year-old, has a vision to guide her life. Her sister had a homework assignment to write 10 commandments to live by. She wanted to do this as well, so here is her list. I have to say, her list is certainly well thought out and could be a vision for the coming year(s) for all of us. Maybe I need 10 words to get me through this coming year?


What is your one word? What is your resolution? What are your commandments?

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