What Would You Do If You Won $800,000,000?

The lottery is a foolish investment, but a wonderful thing to dream about. Winning a million or 10 million dollars would change your life. Now the lottery has reached a record high. This is beyond dream status. This kind of jackpot will not only change your life, it will change every organization, cause, place you care about – even a little. What would you do if you won $800,000,000, that is crazy money!!!???

After taxes, fees, paying off debt, paying off your neighbors debt, heck with that kind of money, paying off the debt of everyone at your church, you will still have more money than I can imagine. So what would you do with crazy money. The kind of money where you could build this house once in each of the 50 states and not notice you wrote the check.

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The kind of money where you could build this apartment community 15 times and still have enough money to live on very comfortably for the rest of your life.

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The kind of money where you could build this camp for kids of all abilities in Waynesboro and pay for kids to attend it for the rest of your life.

camp light camp light camp light

The kind of money where you can change lives by supporting the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank with a donation that will last for many years, donate money to fix ALL the water problems at Falling Water, put solar panels on every house in Harrisonburg, fund all the Habitat for Humanity houses needed in Harrisonburg for years, build affordable housing for seniors, and purchase all the UVA gear Mincer’s has in stock, while providing energy audits and retrofits for all your family and friends and not notice you wrote the check.

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So with CRAZY MONEY, what would you do? Feel free to make your first call to your local Harrisonburg Architect, I am glad to help spend it.

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