Humidity issues in your home? You need one of these.

Nov 10, 2011


As we build our homes tighter and tighter, we are trapping water vapor and destroying our indoor air quality. We produce humidity living in the home, cooking, washing clothes, and burning wood. With all these sources of water, not to mention taking showers, where does the water vapor go? The traditional method to keep these issues at bay was to “not build too tight.” This also means that you are heating and cooling your crawl space and attic – the source of your fresh air make up in a house that is “not built too tight”. The best answer is to install a dehumidifier in your home. I am always surprised when I design a high performance home and the HVAC contractor suggests that we add humidification. There is not a home in this mixed humid climate that needs humidity added to it inside – unless of course the house is not energy-efficient and you are forced to breathe air that is filtered through your cellulose or fiberglass insulation. Indoor air quality in our homes is one of the most important design features that you should consider when renovating or building new. A house with clean filtered air will make you feel better, keep you from getting sick as often, and reduce your energy bills.

humidity issues

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