Quality Design could save your life – Fireplaces & Air Quality

Quality Design could save your life – Fireplaces & Air Quality

It is no surprise that amidst a pandemic people are spending much more time in their homes. Overall human beings spend a significant amount of time indoors, meaning the air we breathe is a lot less healthy and could affect our overall well-being later in life. This reason alone is enough to stress the importance of hiring a designer who understands building science- it can make the difference between a healthy home or one that has the potential to make you and your family sick.

There are certain factors that can impact the air we breathe, one of those being a fireplace. This element leaves an opening in your home that can pull dirty air into the home from the fireplace itself or the building envelope. According to the United States, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) microparticles in wood-burning fireplaces can cause bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory issues in children and the elderly. A safe alternative for this would be using a vented gas fireplace, this eliminates the need for wood and other natural materials along with pushing out the harmful exhaust. Speaking with your architect about a ventilated fireplace in the home design process can make all the difference in the air you will breathe every day.