How Natural Light Benefits your Home and Wallet

How Natural Light Benefits your Home and Wallet

Nearly every living thing relies on the energy from the sun, and humans are no different, we need sunlight just as much as the succulents on our windowsills. Natural light provides vitamin D – making us calmer, and more productive as a result. By allowing us to feel closer to nature through biophilic design humans can feel happier and healthier as well. Aside from benefiting the human body, sunlight can also benefit your wallet.

Natural light can eliminate the need for artificial light in the home, saving homeowners money on monthly electricity bills. Along with not needing to use artificial lights during the day, we can also rely on natural light to heat our homes during cooler seasons. Saving money on your home is great, but making money on your home is even better. Natural lighting can actually increase the value of your home, opening your windows allows sunlight to fill your whole room and in return gives the appearance of a much larger space. An article by The Ohio State University breaks down different ways light is being harnessed in the home!

An excellent example of a home that utilizes this science is the Keezletown Farmhouse. This home was designed to capture all the coziness that comes with owning a family farm, and in doing so focused on getting the perfect from the comfort of the living room.