Giving kindness feels good #365actsofkindness #rocktownresilient

Giving kindness feels good for both those receiving kindness and those giving. After a rough year and a lot of negativity thrown my way because I decided to run for political office I started being intentional about giving kindness. The acts were not new, as a Rotarian service above self is a regular activity, but being intentional about it daily is new. I want to live in a community filled with kindness, not hate and divisive actions and language. Please join me in spreading kindness in 2021.

public speaking

Here is a blog post that describes my goal.

As some of you have decided to join along – thank you our world needs more kindness – I thought a recap of some of the things I have done over the last week(s) could prompt your acts of kindness. Please share with me what you are doing so we can brighten our community and help each other.

Sent a care package to Our Community Place to help fulfill their online request for more winter hats, gloves, and scarves

Wrote online reviews on Google for area businesses that I love to support, do a google search for the business name and click “write a review”, this encourages others to visit that business and improves their SEO in web searches

Sent birthday wishes on Facebook each day

Sent a care package to Geimeinschaft House from their Amazon Smile needs page

Sent Thank You notes to every client I worked with in 2020 for trusting me during a very difficult time with their design needs

Sent Happy New Year wishes to community champions to thank them for their work this past year and encouraging them for the coming year, a note of recognition goes a long way in helping others continue to put their energy into supporting others

Performed two free virtual energy-audits for Harrisonburg residents struggling with decisions about making their homes more energy-efficient

Mentored two high-school students interested in a career in Architecture

Sent referrals to several area businesses that I trust will provide the right solutions for building science challenged homes in the area

Doubled my tip for the pizza delivery driver / essential worker
