Higher density high quality housing

Higher density high quality housing

We have been through this before. Developers are getting ready, looking for opportunities, gearing up for the next move towards higher density high quality housing. It is time to find those parcels in Harrisonburg that will allow for a higher density high quality project. Perhaps it will be a live / work studio project. This project that we developed back in 2004 allows for an office / studio on the lower floor, a roof terrace to enjoy the views, and maximum density for the site.

Harrisonburg Townhouse

Perhaps it will be a very high quality project that allows the users to live close to downtown, lower weekly maintenance needs, and cut their energy bills. This mixed use facility brings apartments and commercial spaces into the same project. It also has many green features, but the most enjoyable would have to be the roof top gathering space.

Harrisonburg Apartments

Or maybe we will continue to get the innovative developers calling looking for a unique project to offer to the community. We have incredible loyal clients that have allowed us to find the best value for them on multiple sites throughout Virginia. This project found a way to deliver the maximum building footprint with the most versatility.

Commercial Design